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Canine vaccinations & disease prevention

Rabies – The rabies vaccine is considered a core vaccine, and many states require pets to have it by law. The initial vaccine is first given when the puppy reaches 16 weeks old. A booster shot is necessary after 1 year, then typically every 3rd year following that.

Distemper, Hepatitis, Parainfluenza, Parvovirus (DAPP) – These vaccines are considered core vaccines. Your puppy will receive their first vaccination between 6 and 8 weeks old, and booster shots will be given once every 3 weeks until your puppy is 16 to 18 weeks old. A booster vaccination is administered after the first year and every third year following that.

Bordetella (kennel cough) –  This is also a core vaccine. The vaccination generally is given to puppies when they are 8 weeks old, then is repeated yearly or more frequently for higher risk pets.

Leptospirosis – This core vaccine can be given to a puppy aged 8 weeks or older. Following a booster vaccination in 2-4 weeks, this vaccine is given annually. This disease which can be acquired from the urine of infected animals is zoonotic, which means it is also contagious to people.

Heartworm – Heartworm prevention is considered core treatment and is generally given to a puppy/dog monthly for the extent of their life. Usually, a routine heartworm test is performed at the 1 year exam. If your pet has not been on consistent prevention, performing a heartworm test in 6 months will be recommended since it can take up to 6 months after infection for the test to be positive. There is also an injectable form of heartworm prevention called ProHeart - one injection can protect your pet for up to 12 months. Heartworms are transmitted by mosquitoes, which unfortunately are a pest that Florida has in all seasons. 

Fleas – These external parasites not only cause your pet to itch and scratch, but can also result in secondary skin infections and more discomfort for your pet. For pets that are highly sensitive and allergic, it can take only one flea to cause a flare-up.  Fleas populate very quickly and thrive in warm climates like Florida year long. Even if your pet does not go outside, fleas can find their way into your home. If your home does become infested, it typically takes at least 3 months to clear the environment of fleas. Fortunately, we have a variety of preventions available from topical solutions to oral chews that last 3 months. 

Ticks – Ticks are another external parasite that your pet can come into contact with, especially in highly wooded areas. Not only do ticks cause your pet discomfort, they can also transmit some very deadly diseases like Lyme, Anaplasma, Ehrlichia, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever and more. A variety of preventatives similar to flea prevention are available, from topicals to oral chews. 

Lyme – The Lyme vaccination is a non-core vaccine that is first administered when the puppy reaches 10-12 weeks old. A booster is given to the puppy 2-4 weeks following the initial vaccine, and annual boosters are recommended for dogs that reside in areas with increased exposure to ticks carrying Lyme disease.


Feline vaccinations & disease prevention: 

Rabies – This vaccine is a core vaccination for kittens. The initial vaccine is first administered between 12 and 16 weeks of age. A booster shot is necessary after 1 year, then typically every 3 years following that.

FVRCP (Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis, Calicivirus, Panleukopenia) - This is a combination vaccine that protects cats against feline viral rhinotracheitis (feline herpes), calicivirus and feline panleukopenia (feline distemper). Infected cats typically display lethargy, vomiting, diarrhea and a high fever. This vaccination is started at 6-8 weeks of age and boostered every 3 weeks up to 16 weeks of age. Following the one year booster, the vaccination is typically administered every 3 years. 

Feline Leukemia (FeLV) – Feline Leukemia is a core vaccine and this preventable disease is one of the top causes of death in cats. The first vaccine is given when a kitten is 10-12 weeks old and boostered in 2-4 weeks. Booster shots are then determined on an at-risk basis annually. 

Non-core vaccines for felines include Chlamydia, Feline Infectious Peritonitis, and Ringworm vaccines, but their use is only considered for pets with a high risk of exposure.

Fleas – These external parasites not only cause your pet to itch and scratch, but can also result in secondary skin infections and more discomfort for your pet. For pets that are highly sensitive and allergic, it can take only one flea to cause a flare-up.  Fleas populate very quickly and thrive in warm climates like Florida year long. Even if your pet does not go outside, fleas can find their way into your home. If your home does become infested, it typically takes at least 3 months to clear the environment of fleas. Fortunately, we have a variety of preventions available from topical solutions to oral chews that last 3 months. 


Preventable canine diseases and symptoms:

  • Distemper – also a life-threatening disease that causes diarrhea, pneumonia, seizures, and vomiting. 
  • Heartworm – a life-threatening parasite contracted through mosquito bites. These parasitic roundworms reside in the lungs and if left untreated, spread to the heart. Early symptoms include coughing and exhaustion, especially when exercising. Rarely, the roundworms get lost within the host and spread to other parts of the body, causing blindness, immobility, or seizures. Without treatment, roundworms build up in the lungs and heart, causing a pet to cough up blood, faint, and lose significant weight. It eventually results in congestive heart failure. 
  • Leptospirosis – a life-threatening disease that causes severe liver and kidney damage and hemorrhaging within the lungs. Symptoms include loss of appetite, yellowed eyes (jaundice), vomiting, lethargy, and urine that is dark brown in color. 
  • Lyme – a disease transferred through ticks. It is most common in the northern hemisphere which is why the vaccination remains “non-core”. Symptoms include circular skin rashes, depression, fatigue, fever, and headaches. Lyme disease can be treated with antibiotics if it is caught in earlier stages.
  • Parainfluenza and Bordetella – both are illnesses that are highly contagious and cause kennel cough. While it is generally not life-threatening, symptoms include a non-stop runny nose and excessive coughing. 
  • Parvovirus – a potentially life-threatening disease that results in diarrhea, vomiting, and deterioration of the white blood cells. 
  • Rabies - a fatal disease attacking the central nervous system. Because there isn’t a cure for rabies, animals that contract the disease are euthanized. The greatest risk of keeping the pet alive is that the disease can be spread to humans.


Preventable feline diseases and symptoms: 

  • Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) – a retroviral disease (one that duplicates itself and integrates with the host’s DNA) that causes immune suppression. Most cats that have the illness appear normal for years until the disease eventually depletes the immune system entirely, resulting in death. 
  • Feline Leukemia Virus – a potentially life threatening virus that causes chronic immune suppression, leading to frequent infection and illness. It often results in cancer. 
  • Herpesvirus and Calicivirus – highly contagious illnesses that cause fever, malaise, runny nose, and watery eyes. 
  • Panleukopenia (also known as Feline Distemper) - a life threatening disease that causes pets to suffer dehydration, diarrhea, low white blood cell count, and vomiting. 
  • Rabies - a fatal disease attacking the central nervous system. Because there isn’t a cure for rabies, animals that contract the disease are euthanized. The greatest risk of keeping the pet alive is that the disease can be spread to humans.



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